Top 10 Flirting Tips for Girls That Really Works!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009 | Labels: | 0 comments |

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Author: Sarah Nichols

n the past time, it was considered that flirting is for men only. However, the confident, self-assured girl of today does not feel the need to wait for a man to approach him. She can send hints to men to get them interested in her. Infact, most of the men love it when a girl makes the first move

So if you’re attracted to a guy, then you need to flirt, subtly to convey your liking for him. Here are some good flirting tips for girls, ladies, or even teen girls. I have included teen girls because we basically start flirting during our teen years.

Tip 1: Girls are expected to always look beautiful. Making the right impression from the start is crucial, and for this you will need to make dressing well your second nature. You don’t need expensive designer clothing for that. What you basically need is excellently tailored clothes, which accentuate the right places on your body.

Tip 2: The eyes can be your most effective tool for flirting. It's possible to make a guy's heart skip a beat by giving him a playful, lusty, or lingering stare. If you're walking by someone you've got the hots for, give him a 2-3 second stare and then slowly glance away (slow is important). Smile just as you start to look away. He'll get the message.

Tip 3: Let them know or feel that you are interested with them. Someone has to make the first move and the simplest and safest way to do that is to SMILE! It's a nice way of telling that you are interested without being so hanky.

Tip 4 : Always gives them a reason to talk to you. If you would like to meet people, you have to make sure that you have something. Wearing or bringing something that can catch their attention such as a pet, unusual jewelry, an aromatic scent, a hat, or an interesting book. These objects are natural conversation starters!

Tip 5: Be interesting by also being interested with them. If you want them to communicate, LISTEN! People like people who would listen to them when it's their time to talk. Remember, listening is a part of good communication.

Tip 6: By sensuously touching yourself (hair, lips, bottom of neck/upper chest, etc.) or playfully grazing him with light touches on his shoulder, chest, or arm, you can drive home the point that you're interested.

Tip 7: The way you say something is far more important than what you say. Use a playful, sexy, and energetic voice. Don't be monotone, ladies. Use your sexiest and most sultry voice. Keep the conversation light, nothing serious or in-depth. Small talk is fine.

Tip 8: You can compliment him on the way he looks, how he did on an oral report or test, a good game, etc. But let the compliments be honest, sincere and genuine and when you receive a compliment the best response is merely, Thank You!

Tip 9: Positioning of the legs is an excellent way for women to convey interest. When seated...start by crossing your legs (the bottom one should be the leg closest to him). The higher the top leg moves up the thigh...the more interest you're showing. Be sure to have your back arched the whole time. This is an unbelievably provocative look.

Tip 10: And the last, but a very important flirting tip for girls is to enjoy yourself! Happy people always attract other people. When you are happy, you feel and look great, and the entire personality changes! If you want to be remembered wherever you go, be happy, be filled with joy, and most of all be genuine. These simple things will ensure you will never lack attention from the opposite sex!

Finally, if you have already opened your mind to flirting tips for girls , then you can plan where to do the flirting tips above. There are several places where you can start practicing how to flirt with guys.

Great places to start flirting with guys are parties (social occasions, functions or celebrations), drinking places, learning places, workplace, participant sports / hobbies and spectator events. You can do it anywhere.

But remember, to be self confident and do not be afraid to take risks. Just be positive, it works! Good Luck!

Have you ever known any women who seem to be “lucky in love” and where everything involving men seems to come easily and effortlessly to them? Let me tell you…It is not a magic. You don't need to be gorgeous or young either. And you don't have to be LUCKY too.

What you NEED to do is LEARN the secrets!

To discover the secrets to make any men feel ATTRACTION and want to be around you for the long-term, then you need to visit Catch Him And Keep Him

About the Author:

For over 3 Years, Sarah Nichols has helped women everywhere become more of the a woman that men want.

She is now dedicated to helping as many women possible improve their relationships with men by not only showing them the knowledge that she has learned but by giving them the resources to other successful dating advice experts as well.

Visit Catch And Keep Him to Learn How To Find, Attract, And KEEP The Man You've Always Wanted...

Article Source: - Top 10 Flirting Tips for Girls That Really Works!

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Learn Kissing Tips as Important First Date Tips

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Author: Francis Githinji

The speed at which a date progresses is dependent on your prowess at the game. If you are a seasoned player, it is pretty easy as you are in command of the game. However if you are still an amateur you will do with free dating tips. Sometimes it is also not possible to predict when a kiss will be forthcoming especially in your first outing with a date. Be equipped with essential first date tips and a number of kissing tips to fill you with the confidence that you need on your debut encounter with a date. Being a sack of nerves on your first date robs you important points. It is here that impressions are created. Remember first impressions are very important to a woman. She will always view you according to the impression you make on the first day.

If your performance is excellent on her score sheet as far as the first date is progressing, chances are that there might be a kiss in the offing. She might turn out to be so appealing that you would pay any price if only to kiss her. This is where the kissing tips play their role. Remember to play it cool with a lot of subtle scheming. It is not impossible to kiss on a first date. Follow the "sexy photo routine" which only calls for a digital camera. It is a very fruity and playful game full of free dating tips and first date tips. You mimic the professional photographer role to reveal her real self. Helping her out to pose for those sexy photos and using every opportunity to touch her, ridicule her playfully and eventually in the photo taking process kiss her as if by default.

First date tips are your most important weapons that you ought to keep in your breast pocket. Stand out from the crowd by having a prior plan of this first date. It is among the few free dating tips that ensure you have every aspect of the date mapped out. It ensures you are not caught in those awkward positions that pop up during the last minutes. A situation where you do not know the best place where you can make this rendezvous. The date is now here but you are lost on the next course of action. It is prudent to be equipped with everything including kissing tips even if it is nowhere in the offing. It saves your face and also saves you from those awkward and embarrassing moments.

Do not be caught up in the jargon of gender equality and emancipation of women. Many single men have shied away from dating beautiful and eligible women as a result of putting into consideration these sentiments. Get free dating tips and understand the psychology of a woman. Despite calls for equality, a woman will still crave for a man who is decisive to dominate her. Those medieval instincts are still inherent in her. She needs protection from a dominant male that will also sire her children and provide them with security. Ignore those powerful women empowerment forums and concentrate on how to get first date tips and the essential kissing tips.

About the Author:

Francis K. Githinji Is A Online Dating Expert. His Latest Project First Date Tips Shows How The Power Of Online Dating Can Be Harnessed Internationally and With Great Success, Or You Could Post Your Valued Comments On His Blog At First Date Tips.

Article Source: - Learn Kissing Tips as Important First Date Tips

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3 Easy Dog Training Tips

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Author: Chris Sullivan

Most pet owners are likely to be on the hunt for quick and easy dog training tips. As you know, dogs are incredibly smart animals, but it's not like they understand what you are saying or can tell you why they're acting the way they are. So, if you're a new dog owner or are very experienced with this, we have three very easy dog training tips that will make this process go by quicker and with a lot fewer tears.

Tip #1 - Think like a dog.

Not many dog owners want to think like a dog. What they really want is for their dog to start thinking like them! But, out of all the dog training tips you'll read, this will be the most important. If you can understand why your dog is behaving the way she is or what is making her disobey, then you are able to address it. For example, many dog owners hate to hear their dog bark continuously. It's important to remember that barking is just part of their nature, especially when they suspect a threat or danger. Some dog training tips will advise you to muzzle your dog or to punish it harshly, but in our experience it is more productive to address the reason why it barks. Try to socialize your dog more so it's not as restless around strangers, or let it have more room to run in the yard so it doesn't feel threatened.

Tip #2 - Reward good behavior.

Many dog training tips stress the proper way to punish a dog when it disobeys and this is appropriate at times. Dogs really crave positive attention from their owners, and honestly excel under this positive influence. In many cases it's better to reward them when they do the right thing than to simply punish when they do the wrong thing. You need to remember that dogs don't have reasoning ability. If you punish them for chewing up your shoes when they're bored, this doesn't tell them what they can play with when you're away. Throwing a toy with them reinforces that this is what they should play with. That time spent with you is a much sought after reward for them. Many people who teach dog training tips forget to point this out to owners, missing a valuable lesson on how to actually teach their dog.

Tip #3 - Remember their attention span.

Some dog training tips will tell you how to deal with a mistake your dog has made, but many dog owners forget that dogs have absolutely no attention span. They don't understand that they shouldn't have chewed up your new dress shoes even if they just did it five minutes ago. Waving those shoes in their face means nothing to them because they can't make the connection between what they did in the past with what you're trying to speak to them about right now. Catching your dog in the act and then punishing her is one of the most important dog training tips you'll ever get.

So keep these easy, but important dog training tips in mind and you'll have success.

About the Author:

For the First Time Ever, The Impenetrable Canine Mind Has Been Cracked! Find out how we did it today at

Article Source: - 3 Easy Dog Training Tips

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Soccer Coaching Tips

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Author: Avnish Saxena

What are the best Soccer Coaching Tips?

Whether you are new to soccer coaching or want to attain higher level soccer coaching tips, we have unique program to coach soccer. The experts of soccer training guarantee the great level of personal attention and high quality soccer tips. All the efforts at go4goldsoccer are made for resolving the physical and psychological requirements of game.

We acknowledge the needs of individual player and assure the best coaching methods. These coaching tips aimed at improving your soccer skills and drills to attain best results.

Knowledgeable Coaching Tips

No one can perform well if he has not learnt the tactics or amazing soccer coaching tips before making goal. Learning soccer from a reliable academy is important but you have to make a judgment regarding your coaches and their ability to teach you. Though it is not an easy task to make evaluations but their communication regarding soccer techniques like long forward passes, forward runs, receiving and turning ball, etc will help you to make a valid decision for learning soccer.

Supporting Youth Soccer

Whenever a youth plans to learn soccer he is very excited and wanted to learn all the soccer coaching tips. The expertise at go4goldsoccer has higher level of understanding of the soccer strategies and that’s why we are recognized as the best youth soccer coaching tips trainers. Their years of practice of playing soccer like when to attack, how to pass the ball, where to cross ball, how to retain a compact team etc has helped us a lot for coaching soccer.

Weekly soccer training

Our trainers value the need of the kids and youngsters and try to increase their ability to pay soccer. Our startling youth soccer coaching tips maintains and increases their interest while playing soccer. We have developed and teach the weekly soccer tips like Soccer Attacking, Soccer Crosses, Soccer Defending, Soccer Forward Runs, Soccer Goalkeeping, Soccer Shooting etc depending upon the talents and needs of the players.

Planned Sessions

With contributions from the expert soccer trainers, we are confident enough for providing the world class soccer coaching tips. All the sessions are planed as we want to offer the best advices by our experts. We also strive to cultivate the positive changes for the overall development of the player as our intention is that one must enjoy playing soccer without losing their enthusiasm. These planned sessions are so helpful that they bring the remarkable change in the players personalities as their interaction with team members, coaches, parents will also increased.

About the Author:

The author of this article is Avnish Saxena, a Business Analyst and Internet Marketer by profession. He is well equipped with hardcore Internet Marketing experience in the retail domain of IT sector. Currently, Avnish is associated with LAN Services, LLC – a California based company. He has been delegated to market and promote number of websites -,, For consultation or business inquiry, Avnish Saxena can be reached at:

Article Source: - Soccer Coaching Tips

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What You Need To Buy To Re-Model The Kitchen

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Have you recently decided to remodel your kitchen? If so, have you decide what you would like to get done? Whether you are only interested in changing your kitchen cabinets or if you want to remodel every inch of your kitchen, you will need supplies. The supplies that you need will all depend on the type of remodeling that you plan on doing. Despite the fact that your kitchen remodeling supplies will vary, you can commonly purchase them all from the same place.

As previously mentioned, the type of kitchen remodeling you plan on doing will have an impact on which supplies you will need. For example, if you are planning on replacing your kitchen cabinets, you will need to find new cabinets to install. The same can be said for kitchen flooring, lighting, and countertops. If you need to purchase a fairly large number of kitchen remodeling supplies, say if you are planning on remodeling all or the majority of your kitchen, you may want to shop at one of your local home improvement stores. Most home improvement stores have a fairly large selection of home remodeling supplies and materials, including laminate countertops, floor tiles, ceiling tiles, light fixtures, and cabinets. Purchasing all of your remodeling supplies at once will help to save you time.

Although it may be a good idea to shop at one of your local home improvement stores, you may not want to. If this is the case, you should examine the internet and what it has to offer. There are a number of online retailers that would be willing to deliver their kitchen remodeling supplies directly to your door. In addition to traditional retailers, you can also find other individuals and companies who specialize in producing quality, customized products, such as kitchen cabinets. Whether you can’t find what you are looking for locally or if you want to have something, such as your kitchen cabinets, custom designed, you are advised to look online. A simple internet search should return the results that you were looking for.

When it comes to home improvement projects, it is important that you get the items or materials that you need, such as floor tiles or light fixtures, but you cannot complete a home improvement project without the right tools. If you do have some home improvement experience, there is a good chance that you may already have most of the tools that you need. If you need additional tools or if you don’t have any at all, you will need to purchase yourself some. The tools that you need will all depend on the remodeling that you are doing, that is why it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with project instructions, as well as the tools that are needed before you get started. If you are purchasing your remodeling materials from a home improvement store, it may be a good idea to save yourself an extra trip and buy your tools at the same time.

As the one in charge of remodeling, you can shop for materials, supplies, and tools wherever you want to. Despite the fact that you have complete control over your kitchen remodeling project, as well as what is or isn’t being used, you may want to take the time to compare the prices of everything that you need to buy. As long as you get the tools and materials that you need, it really shouldn’t matter, but why pay more money than you need to?

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MLM Marketing Tips- How to Grow Your MLM Business the Easy Way

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Author: Tony Bernard

So, you've joined a MLM business, you love the products or service. And now you want to grow your business? So, what should you do? Well, I'm going to share with you some MLM marketing tips that will show you how to grow your MLM business the easy way.

MLM Marketing Tips #1

First thing you have to do is understand the products or service offered by your MLM business. What I mean is this, you have to know how the products will help the consumer. If you market travel, you need to know the benefits of someone choosing to buy from you than with any other travel agent. Or if you market a health product, you need to understand how the product will help improve the consumer's health.

Also, having a few tips to give them to help improve their results from using your products or service will help with your retention rate. You'll have people buying from you year after year, instead of just one time. This will separate you from 90% of other MLMers out there. And it'll result in you and your downline becoming more successful. You'll be adding dozens of people a week by using these MLM marketing tips.

MLM Marketing Tips #2

The next thing you have to do after understanding the benefits of your products is to find your target market (people who have a need or want for what you have to offer). If you market weightloss products, your target market could be people who've purchased weightloss magazines, an ab roller, or some kind of home gym.

If you maket travel, your target market could be people who travels routinely, who purchase travel magazines, or someone who has timeshares. Or maybe a family who go on a cruise every year.

Or if you market anti-aging products, your target market could be people over the age of 40, who's looking to reverse the aging process. I hope this is making sense for you. It should start setting off "light bulbs" and giving you an "aha" moment.

This is one MLM marketing tip that hardly anyone ever talks about. Use it and watch how your business begins to grow rapidly.

MLM Marketing Tips #3

After you've found your target market and you've understood the benefits of your products or service, you need to automate this process. This will allow you to show your downline what to do and how to do it. And it makes it easier to train them. When you're able to do this, your downline will be able to get started on the right foot. It'll help them with adding people into their MLM business the very first week they sign up.

Use these MLM marketing tips to grow your MLM business the easy way. These MLM marketing tips will not only help you grow your business, but help you attract the right people to you.

This article can be freely published on a website as long as it is not modified in any way including the author bylines and active hyperlinks.

About the Author:

For more MLM marketing tips on growing your MLM business, visit:

Article Source: - MLM Marketing Tips- How to Grow Your MLM Business the Easy Way

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Golf Tips- 5 Basic Golf Swing Tips To Fine Tune Your Game!

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Author: Abhishek Agarwal

Basic golf swing tips may simply be all you that you require to keep you from striking those heavy shots, hooks, or slices. For instance, merely shifting the ball location may set right that thin shot, which you tend to hit off the tee. Rather than getting dejected and vowing never again to turn up at a golf course, contemplate on a couple of tips regarding golf swing and strive at perfecting your golf swing.

Now tips on golf swing can be collected from a number of sources. A fine place to begin is with recent golf books or golf magazines. Here it is possible for you to come across golf swing tips from experts or teachers and instructors of professional golfers. Orders for magazines and books containing tips on golf swing can be placed online.

In case you are extremely earnest regarding getting a few vital tips regarding golf swing, and you possess the necessary money and the time at your disposal, think about registering for a few golf lessons or joining a golf clinic where a professional gives you expert advice.

In order to put you on the track of learning the appropriate golf swing tips, the following are some golf swing tips, which deal with the fundamentals of a golf swing.

1. Amongst the most vital tips on golf swing is to maintain a square clubface. Hitting the golf ball by means of a square clubface ensures that the ball goes straight and a long way. In order to maintain the clubface square, you require to keep a steady golf swing plane. Practice bringing the golf club right back and subsequently follow through on the very same swing plane.

2. Next, timing is of the essence in the case of your golf swing. Now you may wish to possess a steady swing speed all through the whole swing. In fact it does not help out with your golf swing if you tend to bring the golf club right back slowly and then speed up right through your swing.

3. Then, golf fitness is an essential factor for developing your golf swing. Doing some easy golf exercises can vastly enhance litheness and power.

4. The kind of golf grip that you have is a further factor in honing your golf swing. Ensure that you do not have a very rigid golf grip, or else it will hamper your golf swing action. A fine way of determining whether your golf grip remains very tight is if your arms and hands become sore after you have finished playing a game of golf.

5. In fact, the best tip on golf swing may not exactly be to your liking but it is nothing but practice, and more practice, that will assist you with your golf swing the most. The greater the time devoted to practicing, or being out there on the practice green or driving range, the greater the development you will find not just in the golf swing, but also in your total performance as well as scoring.

About the Author:

Abhishek is an avid Golfer! Visit his website and download his FREE Golf Report "The Perfect Golfing Vacation" to learn some amazing Golfing tips and tricks for FREE. Whether you are a Golf novice or a professional Golfer, you will find very valuable tips from his site. But hurry, only limited Free copies available!

Article Source: - Golf Tips- 5 Basic Golf Swing Tips To Fine Tune Your Game!

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5 Anti Aging Tips to Prevent Wrinkes and Fine Lines in 7 Days or Less

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Author: Christine Kulle-Merlesena

Many people believe that drastic measures are required in order to have flawless, youthful skin. Women search for top skin screams that average $400 an ounce that most offer little proof that they do half of what they promise and expensive cosmetic surgery. Nothing could be further from the truth. Do you want a cheaper and easier solution to prevent premature aging? You can improve your skin in 7 days or less by following these simple anti aging tips.

Healthy skin is moist and produces adequate amount of oil from the sebaceous glands, producing a natural “glow.” Plump skin cells fit together like a carefully constructed mosaic, where each one has its own place. When skin cells dry out, however, they begin to lift and separate at an angle, giving skin a dull, flaky look that makes the skin appear older.

The two main causes for dry skin are environmental factors (weather, chemicals, the use of the wrong personal care products) and poor diet. In order to look great on the outside, you must first treat yourself right from within.

A regular balanced diet is the number one defense against wrinkles, outbreaks, dry skin and slowing down the aging process. However, there are certain foods that have properties that are most important for that glow that we crave. Here we’ll talk a bit about some of these foods and you’ll see how quickly you can achieve ageless, radiant skin without breaking the bank.

Anti Aging Tip #1 Eat Plenty of Fruits and Vegetables

The color pigments that produce bright orange and red refill antioxidant levels in your skin. These vegetables replenish your skin’s supply of antioxidants, so they’re ready to eat up free radical whenever they make an appearance. Free radicals are highly reactive oxygen molecules that damage cells and contribute to just about everything that can go wrong with skin, from dryness to crinkles.


Your body can’t store much wrinkle-fighting vitamin C, so you need to keep your supplies up. The easiest, simplest anti aging tip to accomplish this is to include some citrus every day.


Vitamin C helps keep collagen-the supportive protein fibers that stop the skin from sagging-strong and resilient (Flimsy collagen means lines and wrinkles.) Since collagen breakdown really picks up in your mid-30s, another anti aging tip is to eat citrus early and often to head off aging.

Anti Aging Tip #2 Drink Plenty of Soothing Teas Everyday

You can get a powerful antioxidant known as EGCG that does all kinds of good things for the skin. Where is the best place to find it? It is in true teas such as black, green, or white (not herbal). Brew a teapot full every morning and then you can drink four to six cups throughout the day.

Top pick: GREEN TEA

EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate) is a great multi-tasker. EGCG reduces the inflammatory chemicals involved in acne and sun-related skin aging. It also helps to prevent skin cancer, and it has a lion-tamer effect on tumor cells. In addition, green tea contains L-theanine, a de-tensing amino acid- and anything you can do to stop the flow of the stress hormone cortisol helps you keep collagen fibers intact.

Anti Aging Tip #3 Eat Plenty of Green and Leafy Vegetables Each Day

By eating certain dark leafy greens, whether they’re fresh, frozen, raw, or steamed, can really deliver on vitamin A, one of the most skin-essential vitamins going.


These vegetables deliver a hefty supply of vitamin A, which supports skin cell turnover, the process that keeps cell growth and development. Without enough vitamin A, your skin becomes dry, tough, and scaly.

Anti Aging Tip #4 Eat More Protein-Fish, Turkey and Chicken Everyday

There are several cold-water types of fish that can give your skin a double benefit: age-fighting omega-3 fatty acids plus the restorative powers of protein. Good choices include lean fowl such as turkey and chicken as well as vegetable protein. Try beans or tofu as a high quality protein source.


Omega -3s fight inflammation which is now considered one of the top skin-agers, and they also help protect against sunburn, enhancing the effects of your SPF sunscreen. Protein is also required to build and repair skin cells and it makes enzymes and hormones that help keep it glowing.

Anti Aging Tip #5-Foods to Avoid to Achieve Healthy Skin

Junk foods should especially be avoided when trying to maintain healthy skin. Eliminating soda, sugar and other empty-calorie foods will not only improve your skin’s appearance, but it will help take off the extra pounds.

Fried foods are especially bad, because hot-processed oils (such as those found in the supermarket) actually create free radicals and can destroy that look you’ve been working so hard for.

Alcohol and caffeine should also be avoided, as these and other types of diuretics make the body lose fluids and essentials minerals, which dries out your skin.

These 5 anti aging tips are simple and easy to incorporate into your busy lifestyle. All of these foods are easy to find in your local supermarket or health store, and will cost you much less than the myriad of skin care products which promise unrealistic results.

By following these anti aging tips, in just a few days, you’ll notice that your skin will begin to produce adequate amounts of oil naturally, and will no longer show signs of being dull, scaly, flaky, or tight. Chapping and cracking during the winter will be much less likely to occur as well.

Most importantly, these anti aging tips will help you to slow down the effects of aging, such as fine lines and wrinkles, brown spots, enlarged pores and sagging skin.

About the Author:

Christine Kulle-Merlesena RN helps people learn about anti-aging skin care secrets with her Breakthrough Anti-Aging Skin-Care Special Report. Learn more by visiting

Article Source: - 5 Anti Aging Tips to Prevent Wrinkes and Fine Lines in 7 Days or Less

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10 Tips to Take Care of Your Wigs

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Author: Chenta

If you have purchased a wig, you should know how to take care of it. Thus, your wig will last long. Below are 10 tips to take care of your wigs.

Tips No.1
Have a set of proper accessories such as a wig brush, wig comb, wig shampoo and conditioner, wig stand, wig hair spray and other accessories meant for styling.

Tips No.2
Do not brush your wig with a regular comb or hairbrush. Use the proper accessories.

Tips No.3
Before putting on wig, make sure your own hair is clean and dry. Alternatively, you can wear a wig cap. Therefore, the wig will always clean and requires less washing.

Tips No.4
Do not trim or cut your wig by yourself if you are not good at it. A help from a wig salon or those expert at wig trimming is the best.

Tips No.5
If you are doing activities like cooking or barbecuing, please do not stand too near, because the heat can damage your wig.

Tips No.6
Wash your wigs every two weeks if you wear it daily for about ten hours. However, the frequency to wash your wigs also depends on other factors like the styling products, the environment and the weather. Please be alert when your wigs really need to be cleaned.

Tips No.7
Never use hot water for washing your wigs, use cool water instead.

Tips No.8
Use shampoo or hair cleanser specially dedicated for wigs.

Tips No.9
If there is makeup build-up at any part of your wigs, it can be removed by using old toothbrush and hand soap.

Tips No.10
Never brush your wig while it is wet and never use hairdryer, let it dry naturally.

With all these tips, I hope you would be able to take care your wigs in a better way.

Good luck!

About the Author:

More information at Revlon Wigs

Article Source: - 10 Tips to Take Care of Your Wigs

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Author: Gaurav Walia

There are good golf tips and bad golf tips. The question is, “how do you decide which golf tips to listen to?”

This question has been brought home to me recently because a good friend took up golf about two years ago. He has really caught the bug and plays several times a week. He also has lessons and practices frequently. Whenever we play together he is constantly asking for tips and advice about his swing.

It is my belief that you should only give a player a golf tip if you are sure that it will fit in with the rest of his swing. I have seen far too many players lose their swings when trying to adopt a golf tip which simply does not fit in with everything else that goes on when they swing the club.

OK, I know, there are certain golf tips which are universally sound, like, “keep your head still.” But equally there are plenty of other golf tips that can be ruinous even when given with the best of intentions.

In particular I recall a good player with whom I'd played many rounds who always drew the ball right to left, usually with good control. One day when his draw was a bit exaggerated, his partner suggested this perfectly sound golf tip: “You know, if you were to keep your right elbow well tucked in on the downswing you would lose that nasty hook.”

The suggestion was well meant. However, for a player who had a well grooved habit of swinging slightly over the top of the ball, as Arnold Palmer was wont to do, it proved to be one golf tip too much. He became so conscious of his right elbow that it threw the whole of the rest of his swing out of shape and it took him months to get it back again.

The point is that the golf tip didn't fit in with the rest of his swing.

This is a mistake that many golfers make. They listen to all the golf tips out there and try to adopt them all in their desperate search for a good swing. It is my belief that your aim should be to groove a golf swing that will give you streams of straight and long golf shots by modelling your swing on one set of advice. Then you should develop a mind movie of that swing so that you can reproduce it whenever you play a shot.

Think how long some of the most famous partnerships between players and their swing coaches have lasted. Think of Jack Nicklaus and Jack Grout, Tiger Woods and Butch Harmon, Nick Faldo and David Lead better to name but a few. All these great players relied on one coach's vision of their swing to keep their mind movie in shape. They did not go asking for golf tips from other players.

About the Author:

i m Gaurav Walia. i m good author

Article Source: - Which Golf Tips Should You Listen To?

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Body Building Tips - Some Finer Points To Gaining Muscle Mass

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Author: John Howard

Body Building concentrates on increasing the body muscles and the body mass. There are ten quick tips that can be followed to build the body mass. These tips help to increase the anabolism in the body and to create a positive nitrogen balance. Nitrogen balance can be increased by increasing the protein intake in the body. This helps in increasing the bodies' natural metabolic process. The following are the tips:

1. The first tip that is to be followed is to emphasize the negative aspects of the body. By saying negative aspects we mean to attain a failure state in the body. The failure state may be complete, absolute or simply failure. This is achieved when working with dumbbells or any other weight. When the dumbbell is held in a position where the body contracts, tension is created in that area. This tension helps in causing muscle hypertrophy. This tip is an easy to do technique that helps in overloading the muscles and promoting radical gains in the mass.

2. The second basic tip is to eat fish. This is because fish has very high amounts of fat. It produces omega-3 acids. This acid makes the muscle very sensitive towards insulin. This helps in regulating the glycogen storage and amino acid entry into the muscles.

3. The third tip is to increase the sodium intake in the body. Sodium is a very important mineral that regulates muscle growth. Sodium helps in enhancing the carbohydrate storage in the body and also absorbs the amino acid which in turn improves the muscle's responsiveness to insulin.

4. The fourth tip is to stop doing aerobics. Aerobics interferes with strength gaining. It makes the body go lean and interferes with muscle building. Certain muscle building centers may also advice in light aerobics.

5. The fifth tip is to lift weights explosively. The amount of force a muscle is able to generate is directly proportional to the amount of weight a muscle is able to carry.

6. The sixth tip is to dramatically increase the intake of calories for three days. In general while doing cardio it is advisable to increase and decrease the speed with which the exercises are done. The same procedure can be performed to increase the muscles in the body, by increasing and decreasing the amount of food.

7. The seventh tip to take periodic rests. Certain body builders are very busy training all the time that they forget to take rest. Taking a couple of days off will restore the glycogen, increase the process of anabolism and also restore the hormonal indexes to optimal levels.

8. The eighth tip is to eat in the middle of the night. Intake of excessive calories increases the anabolism in the body, which in turn facilitates the increase in the muscles.

9. The final tip is to increase the strength in the body by power lifting. More strength will equal more tension which in turn will increase the muscles. The final tip is to supplement the body with Glutamine, creatine and BCAA.

About the Author:

For your free course teaching you exactly how to succeed with bodybuilding using simple and effective bodybuilding nutrition and workout simply go to

Article Source: - Body Building Tips - Some Finer Points To Gaining Muscle Mass

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Let Easy Feng Shui Tips Change the Way you Live

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Author: Amit Bhalla

All of us our unwilling participants in the rat race and once you are in the race, who does not want to win? We try out every way and means through which we might bring in some improvement in some aspects of our life. One such easy method to bring about positive changes is through the careful use of Feng Shui tips. This ancient Chinese practice balances the Yin (female) and the Yang (male) energies as well as the various elements and their influence in our lives. Earth, air, fire and water all have a strong impact on the major areas of our life like relationships, career, health and wealth. The manner in which they have been balanced will pave the way for our future advancement in that specific aspect of our life.

Feng Shui tips are easy to implement but are potent tools to influence certain areas of an individual’s life. For instance, if you are looking at enhancing your chances of attracting love into your life, the Feng Shui tip of decorating your home with peonies could work wonders. However, caution needs to be maintained when you implement these tips. As wrongly implemented or incorrectly placed objects could misbalance the harmony, attracting a lot of misery in your life. The peonies, which are very good for enhancing relationship luck for singles could create infidelity problems for committed or married couples. So it is always advisable to consult a professional before applying any tips to your home or work place.

Feng Shui tips should be used, keeping the requirement in mind. In case you are looking at the advantage of networking with powerful people for your business, enhancing the career luck will not solve the purpose. Neither will a tip for wealth enhancement serve your need. A specific Feng Shui tip for activating the networking luck will be the most effective advice in that situation. Hence, be careful about your purpose for using Feng Shui in the first place. However, there are certain general tips, which can be used to the full advantage of every individual, without any cause for worry. Keeping the windows and doors of each room open for atleast 15 minutes per day helps in better flow of positive energy and is beneficial for every individual using that living space.

Feng Shui tips help to balance out the various elements that play an important role in positively or negatively affecting various areas of our life. It can improve your health, increase your wealth, enhance your career and forge closer ties in relationships, but the key is to implement the right tip at the right time. The various directions like south, east, west and north also play an important role while implementing Feng Shui. The directions, in turn have been assigned different colors and objects, each having the power to influence certain aspects. Hence, implement the tips under the guidance of a Feng Shui expert and see your life turning around for the better with each passing day.

About the Author:

Amit Bhalla works to help all those who want information about the latest and the best, most happening places in the city. To know more about local search services delhi, Conversion Service, Yellow Pages India, Local Search India, Feng Shui tips visit

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Vacation Tips - Plan, Pack, Attack, Smile

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Author: Samantha Ellis

The perfect vacation is a very subjective thing and will depend on how you prefer to travel, your interests, budget, and how important luxury is to you.  In any case, good vacation tips will eliminate unwanted surprises.

Before you start scheduling destinations and hotels, you may want to think about what kind of vacation you and your group want to have. While many people enjoy site seeing vacation tips for high profile locations like a Maui travel package, many others seek a more rustic vacation, such as camping by the Grand Canyon or going whitewater rafting.  Scouting out destinations with appealing activities often yields a more pleasurable vacation experience than simply going to a generic tourist hotspot that can mean getting sucked in by all of the usual tourist traps.

Of course, mode of transportation also plays a large role in the vacation experience. For vast distances, many vacationers opt for plane tickets because of the speed of travel, but others consider the journey half the fun.  If you want to see what lies in between you and your destination but don't want to drive, you might want to consider traveling via train.  Like planes, trains are typically very comfortable and reasonably fast. However, like planes, ticket prices can fluctuate, as well as accommodations. Gathering some train travel tips is encouraged before scheduling a cross country train ride.  There are some key train travel tips you will want to adhere to because train rides can be rather long. To keep children entertained without wearing yourself out, bring coloring books, CD players or iPods, books or even hand held game consoles.  This will help keep everyone occupied and calm.

Many times travel plans will coincide with major holidays, such as Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Memorial Day, and others. One useful holiday tip if you're going to be traveling is to try to avoid traveling when everyone else is.  This holiday tip can save you a lot of headache and potentially money if you are flying.  If you can depart a day or two earlier or later than everyone else, you can save a lot of money on plane tickets, as well as having your choice of flights and seating arrangements. If you are driving somewhere to spend a holiday, avoiding heavy traffic will usually cut your drive time down and make driving much less stressful. Sometimes traveling along the interstate at night can have similar results, but you will likely be surrounded by tractor trailers.

Regardless of where you go or how you get there, a few vacation tips can go a long way. By planning ahead you can make your travel experience much more laid back and relaxed than if you are surprised by heavy traffic or the high costs of entertainment at certain destinations.

About the Author:

When you're ready for a Maui Vacation start your adventure at and find the hotels in Maui Hawaii that fit your budget and your expectations. Whether you're looking for a Maui honeymoon vacations, a Maui Golf Resort or the best Maui beaches you'll find it at

Article Source: - Vacation Tips - Plan, Pack, Attack, Smile

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Horse Racing Tips To Get You Rich - Quick!

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Author: Aiden Brunson

You want to get rich. Who doesn't? But do you know how?

Watch Out For Get Rich Quick Schemes

Yeah, that is how you should play your betting game. But horse racing tips are just tips, not earth shaking schemes to make a billionaire out of you. But if you are wise, you could build a fortune by just getting these tips to work to your advantage. This means you have work ahead.

First, you must have the passion for horse racing and horses. What is a bet if you have no notion about the excitement and the hysteria, or the euphoria of winning and the despair of losing? That should be part of the game. Without an initiation into the realm of horse racing, nobody will stick around for long.

Do Your Homework

If your interest is limited only to the bookie's chit-chat and offers of good prices, you are not getting your fair share of the action. You've got to get down and dirty, so to speak. The horse racing tips will teach you how to make your choices from the line-up for the day's races. So you have to go and develop the feel for horses and horse racing.

Read up on the legendary thoroughbreds. You can get important tips and incorporate these into your horse racing system. You have to go to the paddocks and observe the horses before the race. Or do some sleuthing on the lives and loves of the jockeys just to add some interesting tidbits into your online and offline surveillance.

Know the Triumvirate

In any race, the three top criteria you have to scrutinize with an eagle eye are horses, jockeys, and trainers. Horse racing tips emphasize this triumvirate. These are closely interrelated, but it is the horse that will give the biggest performance of his life, goaded and guided by the jockey under the watchful eye of the trainer.

As for getting rich quick from horse racing tips, it's your choice of horse and type of bet - not to mention diligence to match your passion. You've got to get the right tipster site that give tips that can be played on betting exchange websites.

Juicier horse racing tips may cost you, but if you have signed up with a tipster service site, it shouldn't be a problem. You can opt for standard or pro membership. If you can't stay long at the computer, get the standard service, but if you can stay on the computer for hours on end get the pro membership. You can get horse racing tips from experts like Aussie expert Mick H.

So start taking horse racing tips to heart, read the racing forms with understanding, see the horses for yourself, and talk to the experts. Along the way you'll be developing your own tips. With this and a smart software, you have so much to look forward to in your betting career.

From then on, you'll never look back. You'll be busy hitting the withdraw button. A lot is in store for you if you get the horse racing tips from a reputable site. You'll not only get rich, but you'll be having the time of your life, anywhere and anytime.

About the Author:
Eager for valuable horse racing tips and free horse racing tips? You'll get more ROI if you match these with a loaded horse racing software. Visit today.

Article Source: - Horse Racing Tips To Get You Rich - Quick!

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Strike a Golden Business Deal Via Search Engine Marketing Tips

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Author: Steve Waganer

The latest one to catch the attention by its phenomenal services is none other than search engine marketing tips. These services have become a wonderful source for earning more profits, as more and more online businesses are vouching for them. It has been noticed that these tips are able to lessen the burden of the advertising or creative team, as they are capable of fetching more revenue for the business owners. Therefore, it has become quite essential for many of the online businesses to hire services for search engine marketing tips for bountiful deals. These tips, moreover, help in updating the online information to attract more traffic towards the product. Sometimes, one wonders that how these web-enabled tools and applications help in fetching business deals without any hassle. Well, it is quite simple, all thanks to marketing tips that create user-friendly websites and links for more profitable business. Search engine marketing tips are a perfect way to enhance business network all the time from any part of the world.

It can be rightly said that search engine marketing tips are one of the diversified and fruitful applications that develop online marketing strategies for never ending traffic. Hence, get connected to your websites and web pages via these services. So time to bid adieu to those boring and lethargic marketing strategies, therefore, get set go without any interruption. Well, these tips further assist in creating interesting content for your sites and pages, as it is aptly said that content is the King! Moreover, this can help business boosts in heaps and heaps of profits. These tips are ideal as these offers a variety of strategies to the business owners. The tips additionally assist websites and their links to get stronger, all thanks to the solutions offered by search engine optimization developers. In fact, it provides an opportunity to many of the professionals to do a lot with the website as they offer an insight into the marketing skills and strategies that have become quite old and desperately need change. Hence, search engine marketing tips helps these developers to minutely study and so research to make the product more user-friendly. In fact, these tips and strategies are easy to implement because of their accessibility and understanding of search engine optimization methods.

However, there are other ways too that are available for optimizing websites; however, none matches search engine marketing tips. After all, these provide competitive strategies, search engine optimization and tags that are important for any website. One can actually make his or her website an instant hit with the visitors, by having search engine optimization enriched content on the website. This website content is an invaluable part of a profitable search engine optimization effort. However, apart from content, one has to concentrate on the domain and the URL too, for a prosperous business. The developer implements keywords to a domain that are further utilized in search engine. So, invest in a firm that offers profitable and reliable services for a bright future. Most of search engine marketing tips providers emphasize on improving the look of the website and this can make the business popular amongst various search engines.

About the Author:

Steve Waganer has specialization in web marketing. He is expert in search engine optimization,search engine marketing firm,social media optimization.To get the SEO tips from,SEO firm for your website to get high rank and top position in major search engine marketing tips visit

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Sensual Massage Tips - Tips for Intimate Massage

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Author: Dr John Anne

Partners in intimacy must rub each other the right way. Intimacy should not be a timed event. An idea approach to enhanced foreplay is through erotically sensual massage to heighten and arouse the erotic senses for a tour de force in a sexual encounter. The primary aspect, among sensual massage tips, is to realize and comprehend that such an arousing and intimate experience is to be languorous, lengthy and erotic in nature. An expansive amount of intimate contact and nudity is inclusive of such a level of eroticism.

Preparation, among the initial sensual massage tips, incorporates a few accessories to accommodate the erotically sensual massage. Enhance and supply the setting for where intimacy will take place with the following items, as sensual massage tips - appealing scented candles, incense of a conducive fragrance, CD player, CDs of a romantic variety, clean towels, a clean flat sheet and massage oil of a variety that suits both partners.

Sensual massage tips, in regards to setting the mood and tone, should be adequately arranged. The first tips, among such, are to lock the door, close the blinds or curtains, and turn off cellular phones, phones and pagers, all, in order to provide an uninterrupted environment. Secondly, within these initial tips, is to prepare the surface, be it a bed, sofa, or actual massage table, for the massage, by providing rolled towels for the purposes of neck and knee rests. Another option, in this same vein, is to implement extra pillows, slipped into clean cases that will laundry easily.

For the third tip, amid such preparations, is to spread the clean flat sheet over the massage surface, again, whether it is a bed, sofa or massage table, in order to guard against stains from the massage oil. In the progression of sensual massage tips, flood the room with sensually enhanced lighting. Eliminate the use of glaring lights. Use sheer fabrics to drape over accent or floor lamps to set a passionate mood. Place and light the candles.

Set out and light the incense. Should one not wish to incorporate incense into the scene, a room freshening spray is an acceptable alternative. Conveniently set out cool water for purposes of hydration. Within handy reach, also set out the massage oil, along with a couple of extra towels for wiping. Prepare and set up the CD player, with the CDs ready to play. Lastly, among these preparations in this sequence of sensual massage tips, both partners should shower; shave, as appropriate, and trim nails.

For the following sensual massage tips is to begin with each partner communicating, intimately and passionately, about the erotic connotation of this type of massage. As a prequel in sensual massage tips to the actual commencement of the massage, being by kissing, touching each other's face, and gazing into each other's eyes, all, in order to establish the connecting process. Proceed then to climbing atop the surface on where the sensually erotic massage will occur. At this point, the rolled towels and pillows should be arranged to comfortably accommodate each partner.

Amid the preliminary sensual massage tips is to engage in gently and softly stroking one another's bodies, or, with one partner stroking the other's body, with only the fingertips. Begin at the back, then slowly progress upwards to the shoulders, and on down along the arms, then to the buttocks, further down to the thighs, and, eventually, all the way to the calves. Lightness of stroke is the key in this beginning phase of the massage.

Now it is at the point that the sensual massage tips incorporate the usage of the selected massage oil. A partner, or both partners, if it's a mutual massage, will pour approximately two tablespoons of the oil into the palm of a hand, and then rub both hands together, in order to evenly distribute the oil, as well as to warm it, for the purpose of massaging. Again, begin at the back, using long and deep stroking.

At this point, it is necessary for the partner or partners involved to inquire of each other as to the intensity of strokes, to determine if such stroking is too hard or too soft. It is important to keep the hands in contact with the other partner at all times throughout this stroking process. Among enhanced sensual massage tips calculate your time amid each and every stroke, and develop a sensitive and rhythmic manner. Vary the stroking, from glidingly long strokes to deep and short strokes.

About the Author:

Dr John Anne is a Herbal and Sex Specialist having years of experience in the field of Sexual Health Care. For more helpful information visit Natural Penis Enlargement at Men and Women Sexual Health. Also visit Natural Breast Enlargement

Article Source: - Sensual Massage Tips - Tips for Intimate Massage

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Puppy Training Tips

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The Complete Dog Potty Training In 7 Day Guide

Author: Chris Simpson

The big joy a puppy brings around the house may fade a little if you realize you’ve got to waste a lot of time cleaning after it. Therefore, start training the dog from day one; here are some puppy training tips you may find useful at the beginnings of a relationship with your new friend. Puppy training tips are a book subject and they are thoroughly covered by professional sites such as Dog Training Expert where you can find the first steps of teaching new things to your puppy. General puppy training tips apply to all breeds so don’t worry about this aspect, the only problem is that some dogs are more difficult to potty train than others.

The first puppy training tip is not to allow it to eliminate everywhere; you don’t need such kind of accidents when the dog becomes an adult. Yet, mention should be made that no puppy training tips are going to turn the pup into a reliable dog until it is at least six month old. Training only creates a good habit that requires constant reinforcement. There should be permanent access to the potty area. The puppy training tip here is to never allow your dog to eliminate on carpets, tiles or hardwood.

Then the next very important puppy training tip is to teach it how to love and respect you, and this has very much to do with learning self control. Just like with small children, puppy training tips insists that you don’t give in to every whim of your puppy; you are the leader and you set the rules. Up to a certain point, there is dominance, only then, we’re talking about respect and friendship. Beware, by respect we mean love and attention combined with discipline. Puppy training tips are not for bullying and terrorizing your pet.

Probably the top puppy training tip of all is to make your dog as sociable as possible. Dogs that develop fear are likely to show outward signs of aggression too, and this should be avoided at all costs. You can socialize the animal by inviting people to meet the pup. The puppy training tip is that the pet get friendly and accustomed to having strangers around the house. Seeing that guests are no threat to you and the house environment, lies at the basis of this puppy training tip. Keep it in mind and you won’t see your dog attacking anyone!

About the Author:

Learn how you can put an end to the stress and annoyance of your dog training problems and have the happiest, healthiest and most well behaved dog in the neighbourhood at Dog Training Expert. Don't miss your free Dog Training Tips.

Article Source: - Puppy Training Tips

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