3 Easy Dog Training Tips

Tuesday, May 5, 2009 | Labels: | |

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Author: Chris Sullivan

Most pet owners are likely to be on the hunt for quick and easy dog training tips. As you know, dogs are incredibly smart animals, but it's not like they understand what you are saying or can tell you why they're acting the way they are. So, if you're a new dog owner or are very experienced with this, we have three very easy dog training tips that will make this process go by quicker and with a lot fewer tears.

Tip #1 - Think like a dog.

Not many dog owners want to think like a dog. What they really want is for their dog to start thinking like them! But, out of all the dog training tips you'll read, this will be the most important. If you can understand why your dog is behaving the way she is or what is making her disobey, then you are able to address it. For example, many dog owners hate to hear their dog bark continuously. It's important to remember that barking is just part of their nature, especially when they suspect a threat or danger. Some dog training tips will advise you to muzzle your dog or to punish it harshly, but in our experience it is more productive to address the reason why it barks. Try to socialize your dog more so it's not as restless around strangers, or let it have more room to run in the yard so it doesn't feel threatened.

Tip #2 - Reward good behavior.

Many dog training tips stress the proper way to punish a dog when it disobeys and this is appropriate at times. Dogs really crave positive attention from their owners, and honestly excel under this positive influence. In many cases it's better to reward them when they do the right thing than to simply punish when they do the wrong thing. You need to remember that dogs don't have reasoning ability. If you punish them for chewing up your shoes when they're bored, this doesn't tell them what they can play with when you're away. Throwing a toy with them reinforces that this is what they should play with. That time spent with you is a much sought after reward for them. Many people who teach dog training tips forget to point this out to owners, missing a valuable lesson on how to actually teach their dog.

Tip #3 - Remember their attention span.

Some dog training tips will tell you how to deal with a mistake your dog has made, but many dog owners forget that dogs have absolutely no attention span. They don't understand that they shouldn't have chewed up your new dress shoes even if they just did it five minutes ago. Waving those shoes in their face means nothing to them because they can't make the connection between what they did in the past with what you're trying to speak to them about right now. Catching your dog in the act and then punishing her is one of the most important dog training tips you'll ever get.

So keep these easy, but important dog training tips in mind and you'll have success.

About the Author:

For the First Time Ever, The Impenetrable Canine Mind Has Been Cracked! Find out how we did it today at http://www.TheTrainingCanine.com

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - 3 Easy Dog Training Tips

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